H-Sphere account move error «Suspended due to resources integrity»
Запись создана 4 мая, 2011
При переносе аккаунта с сервера на сервер из H-shphere возможна ошибка «Suspended due to resources integrity»
Заходим на сервер cp рутом и выполняем:
grep "duplicate key violates unique" /var/log/hsphere/hsphere.log.1 -B3
получим что-то вроде:
2011-05-04 11:15:34,614 [transfer] DEBUG cron.TransferCron - getResourcesInMoveInfo(): got and checking 1608767_7 is a HostDependentResource - true 2011-05-04 11:15:34,614 [transfer] DEBUG cron.TransferCron - getResourcesInMoveInfo(): host_id=75 2011-05-04 11:15:34,623 [transfer] ERROR cron.TransferCron - Getting resources info for process 1510 org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: duplicate key violates unique constraint "resources_in_move_pkey" -- 2011-05-04 11:15:35,195 [transfer] DEBUG cron.TransferCron - getResourcesInMoveInfo(): got and checking 1505546_7 is a HostDependentResource - true 2011-05-04 11:15:35,195 [transfer] DEBUG cron.TransferCron - getResourcesInMoveInfo(): host_id=75 2011-05-04 11:15:35,197 [transfer] ERROR cron.TransferCron - Getting resources info for process 1519 org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: duplicate key violates unique constraint "resources_in_move_pkey"
Теперь переходим к системено PostgreSQL базе:
sudo su -l cpanel -c 'psql hsphere'
и находим ресурсы взятые из лога выше:
hsphere=# SELECT * FROM resources_in_move WHERE rid = 1608767; tp_id | rid | rtype | created | deleted | job_id | tt_id | ord -------+---------+-------+----------------------------+---------+--------+-------+----- 1188 | 1608767 | 7 | 2010-02-08 06:08:08.191+03 | | 1149 | | 0 (1 ROW) hsphere=# SELECT * FROM resources_in_move WHERE rid = 1505546; tp_id | rid | rtype | created | deleted | job_id | tt_id | ord -------+---------+-------+----------------------------+----------------------------+--------+-------+----- 1271 | 1505546 | 7 | 2010-02-08 07:38:30.028+03 | 2010-02-09 08:18:42.944+03 | 1225 | | 0 (1 ROW)
удаляем найденные из таблицы resources_in_move:
hsphere=# BEGIN; BEGIN hsphere=# DELETE FROM resources_in_move WHERE tp_id = 1188; DELETE 168 hsphere=# DELETE FROM resources_in_move WHERE tp_id = 1271; DELETE 41 hsphere=# COMMIT; COMMIT hsphere=# \q
И снова начинаем перенос аккаунтов, теперь всё пройдет нормально.
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