Sentry cleanup
Запись создана 2 декабря, 2024
To cleanup self hosted Sentry you can use a following script:
docker exec -it sentry-self-hosted-clickhouse-1 clickhouse-client -q 'TRUNCATE default.spans_local' docker exec -it sentry-self-hosted-clickhouse-1 clickhouse-client -q 'TRUNCATE default.generic_metric_distributions_aggregated_local' docker exec -it sentry-self-hosted-clickhouse-1 clickhouse-client -q 'TRUNCATE default.generic_metric_distributions_raw_local' docker exec -it sentry-self-hosted-clickhouse-1 clickhouse-client -q 'TRUNCATE system.metric_log' docker exec -it sentry-self-hosted-clickhouse-1 clickhouse-client -q 'TRUNCATE default.transactions_local' docker exec -it sentry-self-hosted-clickhouse-1 clickhouse-client -q 'TRUNCATE default.outcomes_raw_local' docker exec --tty -u postgres sentry-self-hosted-postgres-1 psql -c "TRUNCATE TABLE nodestore_node;" docker exec --tty -u postgres sentry-self-hosted-postgres-1 psql -c "VACUUM FULL" docker exec -it sentry-self-hosted-redis-1 redis-cli FLUSHALL
If you want to delete events older than 3 days
docker exec --tty -u postgres sentry-self-hosted-postgres-1 psql -c "DELETE FROM nodestore_node WHERE "timestamp" < NOW()-INTERVAL '3 day';" docker exec --tty -u postgres sentry-self-hosted-postgres-1 psql -c "vacuum full nodestore_node;"
To cleanup historey older than 7 days
docker exec -it sentry-self-hosted-worker-1 sentry cleanup --days 7
Some times you can get a problem with terrible grow of Kafka volume, than you can recreate it:
cd /opt/sentry/install/self-hosted-23.7.1/ docker compose down --volumes docker volume rm sentry-kafka docker volume rm sentry-zookeeper ./ docker compose up -d
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