Sangoma Linux after migration from VMWare ESXi to ProxmoxVE fails to boot
Запись создана 13 марта, 2024
After migration Sangoma Linux (FreePBX on CentOS7) from vmware to proxmox
qm importovf 7804 PBX002.ovf local-zfs
OS fails to boot with error:
Could not boot /dev/SangomaVG/root does not exist /dev/SangomaVG/swaplv1 does not exist /dev/mapper/SangomaVG-root does not exist
What do we need?
1. add network adapter, chose model «VMware vmxnet3» and set previously used MAC-address
2. detach hard disk and attach it as sata
3. boot the VM from CentOS-7-minimal.iso and
mount --bind /run /mnt/sysimage/run systemctl start multipathd.service chroot /mnt/sysimage dracut --regenerate-all --force
» Запись из раздела CentOS Linux, KVM, Proxmox VE, virtualization, VoIP | Комментировать
FreeIPA WebUI login fails
Запись создана 18 января, 2024
runing ‘kinit’ in console gives an error like:
Received error from KDC: -1765328382/Server's entry in database has expired
kinit: Server's entry in database has expired while getting initial credentials
enter to console admin
kadmin.local: getprinc krbtgt/DOMAIN.COM
You may see that expiration date passed
Expiration date: Tue Dec 31 23:59:59 MSK 2023
Set a new one
kadmin.local: modprinc -expire "2024-12-31 23:59:59" krbtgt/DOMAIN.COM
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HP Proliant Gen9 G9 DMAR error
Запись создана 23 ноября, 2023
If you getting an error like this in dmesg on your linux and the physical server is a kind of HP Proliant G9 (Gen9)
DMAR: [DMA Write NO_PASID] Request device [04:00.0] fault addr 0x791f4000 [fault reason 0x05] PTE Write access is not set DMAR: DRHD: handling fault status reg 402
You can just ignore it :)
OR if can reboot yourt server, there are several ways to «fix» it
pass a «intel_iommu=on» option to kernel or enter RBSU (BIOS) pressing F9 on startup screen
System configuration >> chose embeded LOM >> Device configuration menu >> SRV-IOV >> set Disabled
Same thing on HPE Proliant Gen10 is called «HP Shared Memory Features»
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Mikrotik FAN speed on CCR2004-1G-12S+2XS
Запись создана 13 ноября, 2023
By default settings system health on mikrotik CCR2004 shows 0 RPM fan speed.
In my case the temperature of CPU was about to 60C but there is no direct settings to set FAN speed, so i set the temp to run fullspeed this way
/system health settings set fan-full-speed-temp=45C fan-target-temp=45C
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Dell iDrac FAN speed adjustment
Запись создана 23 октября, 2023
You can do it by setting fan speed offset in BIOS, but if you don’t want to reboot your system you can do it using ipmitool
enable manual Fan speed setting
ipmitool raw 0x30 0x30 0x01 0x00
Then set fan speed to 100%
ipmitool raw 0x30 0x30 0x02 0xff 0x64
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FreeIPA allow queries from other networks
Запись создана 11 сентября, 2023
Add to /etc/named/ipa-ext.conf
acl "trusted_network" { localnets; localhost;;; };
Where and not direct attached networks
Add to /etc/named/ipa-options-ext.conf
allow-recursion { trusted_network; };
and restart freeipa
ipactl restart
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zfs arc size
Запись создана 18 апреля, 2023
To set zfs_arc_max as 1/4 of RAM (by default it’s 1/2) you can use that script
#!/bin/bash arc_size=`free | awk 'NR ==2 { OFMT="%.0f"; print $2/4*1024}'` echo "$arc_size" > /sys/module/zfs/parameters/zfs_arc_max echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches echo "options zfs zfs_arc_min=0" > /etc/modprobe.d/zfs.conf echo "options zfs zfs_arc_max=$arc_size" >> /etc/modprobe.d/zfs.conf update-initramfs -u -k all
To get an actual information about zfs_arc
arc_summary -s arc arc_summary -s archits
This is a good article about ZFS ARC
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Maipu S3100-9TP enable ssh
Запись создана 27 марта, 2023
By default ssh is disabled, connect to switch using telnet an run that commands:
Switch#crypto key generate rsa Switch#crypto key refresh Switch#conf t Switch(config)#ssh Switch(config)#end Switch#write running-config startup-config
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OpenVPN error — ca md too weak
Запись создана 22 марта, 2023
When you get an error like this:
OpenSSL: error:0A00018E:SSL routines::ca md too weak
Beter solution is to regenerate a new CA with stronger encryption, if you cant do that, add to your config file located in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/
which looks like work-c65734b1-83a7-45d9-ac69-2e41fc6cd123.nmconnection
in section [vpn] this line:
Reload the configuration with the command:
nmcli connection reload
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k9s and microk8s
Запись создана 20 февраля, 2023
microk8s.kubectl config view --raw > ~/.kube/config wget -qO- | tar zxf - k9s mv k9s /usr/local/bin/
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